- $129
- 69
- Logo Name:
- District of Columbia Young Democrats (aka DC Young Democrats, aka DCYD)
- Company Intro:
- The DC Young Democrats are the official youth arm of the Democratic Party in Washington, DC, USA. Our group is comprised of people ages 13-35. The DC Young Democrats work to engage young people in the political process, elect Democratic political candidates, and train the next generation of Democrats.
- Instructions:
- The colors of our brand identity are: Dark Blue: #063254 #035 midnightblue hsl(206,86,17) rgb(6,50,84) Red: #fa3333 #f33 crimson hsl(0,95,59) rgb(250,51,51) Light Blue: #38b6ff #4bf dodgerblue hsl(202,100,60) rgb(56,182,255) White: #ffffff #fff white hsl(0,0,100) rgb(255,255,255) We prefer designs with solid colors (no gradients) and clean lines, which may use some or all of the colors above. We would like a logo that can be used on light colored backgrounds, or converted to a white/light version for use on dark colored backgrounds. We prefer a PNG or PSD file with a clear background, and would like a vector-based image that can be enlarged for use on posters and shirts. The logo may include the text "DC Young Democrats," DCYD, or no text (icon style). Graphic elements we like, we like incude the District of Columbia Flag "stars and bars," real and abstract representations of the shape of the district of columbia, and representations of the DC Skyline/monuments (such as the Washington monument and Jefferson Memorial.
Open design concept stage had ended with 69 submissions from 21 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.