Fairy Dust 101

visited this project
2 years ago
An online course teaching you the secret to attracting fairies so you can manifest the life you want
  • Design Brief5 years ago
    Logo Name:
    Fairy Dust 101
    Company Intro:
    An online course teaching you the secret to attracting fairies so you can manifest the life you want
    Think like the show Bewitched or something like a comic book/superhero design. Please incorporate a fairy. I'm hoping a wand will be incorporated with fairy dust floating around. The logo should look classy and mystical. This is an online course for adults. The length of contest is actually closer to 24 hours. I messed up while creating and can't figure how to adjust!

    Reference Samples:

  • C
    Client627225 years ago
    Hi! Welcome! I'm so sorry! The length of contest is actually closer to 24 hours. I messed up while creating and can't figure how to adjust!
  • C
    Client627225 years ago
    By the way, I do NOT own ANY of the fairy images.
  • C
    Client627225 years ago
    Please feel free to use any fairies you find. These are just for inspiration.
  • Design Concepts Completed5 years ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 150 submissions from 29 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

    #156 by cybil
    #154 by agus
    #147 by qqdesigns
    #144 by Girly
    #142 by DreamLogoDesign
    #130 by rizuki
    #128 by hopee
    #123 by avatar
    #109 by Andri
    #105 by dhika
    #101 by sabyan
    #97 by LucidSketch
    #95 by Barkah
    #90 by axel182
    #78 by haze
    #76 by valace
    #72 by eagerly
    #68 by blessings
    #65 by BlessedArt
    #61 by afra_art
    #57 by brandshark
    #56 by agil
    #55 by Kruger
    #54 by Akli
    #50 by AamirKhan
    #46 by puthreeone
    #43 by cintya
    #39 by YONK
    #2 by aryamaity
    ALL 150 Designs >
  • Design #152 by agus is declared WINNER!5 years ago
    #152 by agus
  • C
    Client627225 years ago

    $20 participation tip awarded to #44 by hopee

  • C
    Client627225 years ago

    $10 participation tip awarded to #74 by agus