
visited this project
5 years ago
The logo will be for an online business directory for small to medium sized black businesses. Here's the vision: At Circulate we be believe a community is only as strong as it is able to meets its own need. And the longer money circulates within a community’, the stronger that community grows. We aim to increase money circulation within our communities by making black owned businesses, service and product providers easily accessible to consumers. This inclusive approach recognises that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts and strong communities working together create strong societies. - Must be minimal, distinctive, impactful and professional looking. - The logo design MUST INCLUDE AN IMAGE OF A BLACK POUND COIN (primary market = UK). - No more than 3 colours (including the black coin)
  • Design Brief5 years ago
    Logo Name
    Company Intro
    The logo will be for an online business directory for small to medium sized black businesses. Here's the vision: At Circulate we be believe a community is only as strong as it is able to meets its own need. And the longer money circulates within a community’, the stronger that community grows. We aim to increase money circulation within our communities by making black owned businesses, service and product providers easily accessible to consumers. This inclusive approach recognises that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts and strong communities working together create strong societies. - Must be minimal, distinctive, impactful and professional looking. - The logo design MUST INCLUDE AN IMAGE OF A BLACK POUND COIN (primary market = UK). - No more than 3 colours (including the black coin)
    - TAGLINE: Own It! - Must be minimal, distinctive, impactful and professional looking. - The logo design MUST INCLUDE AN IMAGE OF A BLACK POUND COIN (primary market = UK). - No more than 3 colours (including the black coin)

    Reference Samples

  • maze is selected as the contest finalist!5 years ago
  • jaize is selected as the contest finalist!5 years ago
  • usef44 is selected as the contest finalist!5 years ago
  • Design Concepts Completed5 years ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 131 submissions from 31 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

    #139 by usef44
    #124 by maze
    #118 by jaize
    #98 by logy_d
    #97 by Asani Chie
    #94 by denfransko
    #90 by giphone
    #86 by BeDesign
    #74 by excelentlogo
    #73 by rgb1
    #72 by done
    #62 by PRN123
    #61 by AamirKhan
    #56 by InitialD
    #54 by cintoko
    #53 by keylogo
    #52 by kaylee
    #50 by aldesign
    #47 by restuti
    #39 by asyqh
    #37 by mbamboex
    #36 by gogo
    #30 by scolessi
    #25 by up2date
    #21 by cikiyunn
    #19 by lexipej
    #17 by checx
    #14 by hopee
    #8 by Rizqy
    #7 by Artomoro
    #5 by p0peye
    ALL 131 Designs >
  • Design #136 by usef44 is declared WINNER!5 years ago
    #136 by usef44