Big House Fitness Studio

visited this project
11 years ago
We are a private personal training facility.All ages all levels.from house wifes to motor cross athletes.
  • Design Brief11 years ago
    Logo Name
    Big House Fitness Studio
    Company Intro
    We are a private personal training facility.All ages all levels.from house wifes to motor cross athletes.
    open to difefrent colors as well as the dark gray and white. Would like a obvious logo so people will know right away what we do here.The studio looks like a big house thats where the name came from. No jail reference please.logo will be used for a sign as well as clothing. Was thinking a silloette over a design would be cool.
  • A
    Admin11 years ago
    Welcome to 48hoursLogo

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    We want you to get the best possible design for your business. Thank you for choosing
  • Design Concepts Completed11 years ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 1 submissions from 1 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

  • Design #4 by shernievz is declared WINNER!11 years ago
    #4 by shernievz