- $129
- 1
- Logo Name:
- Mobile House
- Company Intro:
- Smartphones/Phones
- Instructions:
- This is for a business card design. (Sorry for choosing the wrong category). Please see my logo attached.
- Phello
- AThis is for a "business card" design. Please submit accordingly.
- Hi,
Can you please provide your logo in .PNG or .PDF file format , Or if you have the .psd file for the logo would be great .
THANKS - Plogo
- APlease do not submit to this contest, client will create a new "stationery" design contest for this project shortly.
- APlease go to the following link for the new "Stationery" contest.
http://www.48hourslogo.com/project.php?id=32964 Open design concept stage had ended with 1 submissions from 1 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.