- $129
- 1
- Logo Name:
- AAA Global Deliveries
- Company Intro:
- Ground Transportation Service ( like FED EX)<br><br>Correction: Name in the Logo is AAA Global Delivery
- Instructions:
- Colors:<br>Black <br>Red <br>Deep Purple<br><br>Ground transportation company.<br>Logo Request:<br><br>1.Semi Truck (straight truck with sleep bed) graphic in black outline with white background<br>6 tires<br><br>2. Globe of the USA graphic <br><br>3. Road graphic (see attached) - <br><br>Name of Business: AAA Global Delivery<br><br>Colors and concept open for ideas and creativity
- MAre you able to fix a mistake in the Logo Name. Should be AAA Global Delivery
Open design concept stage had ended with 1 submissions from 1 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.
- MWhat is the next step and how will I receive the logo?