Eagle Eye Proofreading

visited this project
8 years ago
As the name suggests, it is a proofreading business.<br><br>
  • Design Brief8 years ago
    Logo Name:
    Eagle Eye Proofreading
    Company Intro:
    As the name suggests, it is a proofreading business.<br><br>
    The basis for the business name is as follows - eagles have the best eyesight, our proofreaders have the best attention to detail.<br><br>I would like a professional, yet memorable logo. Our proofreaders are all professionals, hence I feel it is important to maintain a professional image. However, I don't want something that is boring.<br><br>Since the business name includes "Eagle Eye", I was thinking either an eagle as the symbol or maybe have eagle eyes for the "oo" in the word proofreading. I wouldn't rule out having both (i.e. an eagle as a symbol and eagle eyes for the "oo" - but I'll leave that up to you to play around with).<br><br>Colour ideas - I like gold as representative of an eagle, and I like blue as a general colour. However, red also comes to mind because the stereotypical method of proofreading/marking someones work is to use a red pen. Please feel free to experiment a bit with the colours and see what works best, as I'm not creative in that respect.<br><br>I look forward to seeing your designs! Thanks!

    Reference Samples:

  • haze is selected as the contest finalist!8 years ago
  • GURUARTS is selected as the contest finalist!8 years ago
  • jaize is selected as the contest finalist!8 years ago
  • Design Concepts Completed8 years ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 1 submissions from 1 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

  • Design #170 by GURUARTS is declared WINNER!8 years ago
    #170 by GURUARTS