- $173
- 62
- Logo Name:
- Nawty Bitz
- Company Intro:
- Novelty toys for immature adults - Plush animals that are anatomically correct.
- Instructions:
- I’m looking for a logo that is ridiculous, even bordering on slightly offensive. The company makes stuffed animals with testicles so their target customer is someone who would think offensive is funny. I would imagine it is rare that graphic designers are asked to set aside their professionalism and make a logo that is tasteless but that is exactly what I am asking you to do. Have fun with it. Be silly. Think about a teddy bear with balls - how ridiculous!! Thanks in advance for your work, your entries are appreciated!
- A
Open design concept stage had ended with 62 submissions from 16 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.
Contest prize has been increased to $173