- $198
- 99
- Logo Name:
- Enough
- Company Intro:
- A Storefront for a collectibles/gift/antique store that will have a additional day shelter for use of homeless people to use free internet/free food/coffee/shower and shelter /dog friendly
- Instructions:
- the current signboard is approximately 3x8 feet long rectangular with a circle on either end. I would like to have an image of a globe in left circle (earth) and on right circle peace sign vintage design. I would like the word "enough" to be understated and it does not have to be capitalized. I would love for it to be able to be interpreted in so many ways enough stuff enough food enough shelter enough joy and peace enough wars enough politics just simply...enough good luck! this will be on the oregon coast ocean front and seen by 1,000s each day
Reference Samples:
Open design concept stage had ended with 99 submissions from 31 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.
- Jhow do i access the vector file for the artwork bluepix?