Rollin’ Smoke BBQ

visited this project
2 years ago
BBQ/Smoked Meat
Logo DesignCUSTOMRestaurantFeatured
  • Design Brief6 years ago
    Logo Name
    Rollin’ Smoke BBQ
    Company Intro
    BBQ/Smoked Meat
    I'm looking for something I can put on labels for commercial rubs, shirts, hats, stickers, etc. I was inspired by this contest; Our slogan is: “We smoke it lower and slower & always wrap our meat” I’d like to have both a pig and a male steer (can be as a chef or not), one of them with a beer and the other with their hand on the smoker (I have a Yoder ys640 so there can be a smoker with a smoke stack and a front lift door). No need for the whole smoker if it’s too much detail to work in but a least part of the smoke box should be be visible. There should be a pan/baking sheet with either a brisket and or a pork shoulder (Boston butt) and or ribs in the pan about to be put into the smoker. The characters should be a bit goofier (not overly aggressive) but not goofy eyes or anything too crazy, excited to eat and drink is best. Have fun! I look forward to your entries. Thank you in advance for your efforts.

    Reference Samples

  • A
    Admin6 years ago


    Contest prize has been increased to $173

  • D
    DutchOven6 years ago
    How do I add the brand design?
  • D
    DutchOven6 years ago

    ingepro is just invited to join this contest!

  • DreamLogoDesign is selected as the contest finalist!6 years ago
  • daywalker is selected as the contest finalist!6 years ago
  • Design Concepts Completed6 years ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 32 submissions from 5 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

  • Design #28 by daywalker is declared WINNER!6 years ago
    #28 by daywalker
  • Client purchase design #13 from DreamLogoDesign6 years ago