- $100
- 81
- Design Name:
- Alta Homes Realty
- Instructions:
- Business CardFront of the card:Alejandro Valesquez Realtor/CEO Phone: (559) 978-1234 alejandro.valesquez@altahomesrealty.com DRE# 01234567 Back of the card:People before profits.Others(For Sale Sign)Main Sign (18" high x 24" wide): - Logo - (559) 978-1234 - www.altahomesrealty.com Small sign that hangs below Main Sign (6" high x 24" wide): - Alejandro Valesquez - (559) 978-1234 - Realtor DRE# 01234567
Open design concept stage had ended with 81 submissions from 7 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.
- CIt was difficult but we selected the winner. Thank you so much to everyone who participated, especially the 3 finalists. You all are extremely talented and your efforts are very much appreciated.