- $110
- 1
- Logo Name:
- Lift
- Company Intro:
- I need a logo for a business project called "LIFT" the business will provide web development and digital marketing services to small and medium size business as a package. The Idea behind the name LIFT is that we will help you business take flight in the digital space. We will give you the lift to get to you goals.
- Instructions:
- Specifications - logo should be simple and clean - Font should be sans serif - Prefer blue, white, orange or green color options - Concept can include a paper plane but is not limited to this. Other elements that can communicate the idea are welcomed (see links to concepts) - Would like the there to be some digital elements (social media icons ect) trailing the paper jet as smoke (IF A PAPER PLANE IS USED- NOT LIMITED TO PAPER PLANE) (be creative, see example http://brandcrowd.com/logo-design/details/30466) -Logo need to feel complete and not like some pieced together elements inspiration: http://designspiration.net/image/1288283002383/ http://cdn.vectorstock.com/i/composite/75,73/paper-plane-logo-vector-1817573.jpg http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2014/200/5/9/paper_plane___logo_design_by_rhysbeingsocial-d7rev0g.png https://www.google.com/search?q=lift+logo&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=0RjOVPWTC5LOgwTBhYDAAg&ved=0CAgQ_AUoAQ&biw=1305&bih=702#tbm=isch&q=lift+safety+logo&revid=1322976223&imgdii=_&imgrc=TwtLG5tk0ANOdM%3A;iZx9TXzN3YhUlM;http%3A%2F%2Fstatic1.squarespace.com%2Fstatic%2F5113bc5ee4b0e6e60a5d0adf%2Ft%2F5410ad10e4b0940962c85dfe%2F1410379024244%2FLift.jpg;http%3A%2F%2Fispsafetyproducts.com%2Fgloves2%2F;299;179 http://logopond.com/gallery/detail/68784 logopond.com/gallery/detail/165835
Reference Samples:
Open design concept stage had ended with 1 submissions from 1 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.