North Carolina Logo

visited this project
a year ago
The "N" and the "C" need to blend in with the mountain and the waves... make sun artsy, swirls? add colors, I have the copyright on the clean design. Make it wild but simple--
  • Design Brief9 years ago
    Logo Name:
    North Carolina Logo
    Company Intro:
    The "N" and the "C" need to blend in with the mountain and the waves... make sun artsy, swirls? add colors, I have the copyright on the clean design. Make it wild but simple--
    see sketch
  • J
    juskwara9 years ago
    Hey, a lot of you all copied what I already have. There are some who are different but are using the same concept. They will win. Don't copy what I already did, UNLESS you can make the sun and the waves really POP marketing style... GL, this is real $. email me any feedback- [email protected]
  • J
    juskwara9 years ago
    I actually really like #2 Foranel- can i hire you seperately from this contest- ?
  • J
    juskwara9 years ago
    Right now #47 and #49 are about to win. I need the waves to be smaller, somewhat like the attached, but a bit more of the "C" and a little more of the wave on the attached, I like all 3 of the "N"s, so the mountains and suns can stay the same.. I will pick the winner Thursday or Friday for sure.
  • aRBy9 years ago
    Please check #50.Cheers
  • J
    juskwara9 years ago
    #50, Less wavy, with the changes attached will win today
  • aRBy9 years ago
    Please check #51.Cheers
  • J
    juskwara9 years ago
    its same as 50
  • J
    juskwara9 years ago
    I wil pick winner Saturday...
  • J
    juskwara9 years ago
    #54 , with the "N" in white inside the mountain, AND THAT IS IT,
  • Design Concepts Completed9 years ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 1 submissions from 1 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

  • Design #67 by Sorjen is declared WINNER!9 years ago
    #67 by Sorjen