First/Favor Christian Church

visited this project
9 years ago
This is a non-denominational christian church in need of a new image to attract a younger, family demographic to its aging membership. The church is nearly a century old and would like to keep a nod to its rich history, but really needs to appeal to Millennials and Gen-X. The current name is First Christian Church but they plan on changing the name soon. The design must work well for both First and Favor.
Logo DesignBUDGETReligiousFeatured
  • Design Brief9 years ago
    Logo Name:
    First/Favor Christian Church
    Company Intro:
    This is a non-denominational christian church in need of a new image to attract a younger, family demographic to its aging membership. The church is nearly a century old and would like to keep a nod to its rich history, but really needs to appeal to Millennials and Gen-X. The current name is First Christian Church but they plan on changing the name soon. The design must work well for both First and Favor.
    We need an “F” mark to stand alone and then also include "First Christian Church" to the right. The client likes the idea of rays of light coming down. The preferred colors are teal and green, but have not been finalized. Again, the church will likely be changing their name to Favor Christian Church, so the design needs to work well with both First and Favor.<br><br>For logo itself the client would like to see the “F” in the bottom right hand corner with rays of light coming down upon it.<br><br>Feel free to be progressive with the look and colors!

    Reference Samples:

  • M
    mkovich789 years ago
    Feel free to be creative with the "F" - it does not necessarily have to match the sketch.
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    mkovich789 years ago
    Some excellent designs!

    Some feedback from the client: would like to see the emphasis on First/Favor with "Christian Church" in smaller font.
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    mkovich789 years ago
    Thank you for all your submissions! We have presented to the client for feedback and hope to have the finalists selected within the next 24 hours.
  • #71 by si9nzation is selected as the contest finalist!9 years ago
  • Design Concepts Completed9 years ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 1 submissions from 1 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

  • Design #97 by si9nzation is declared WINNER!9 years ago
    #97 by si9nzation